We just got news that we have been granted a project by the ICSR Lab. This will allow us access tons of data facilitated by the ICSR on publication records, disambiguated authors and contribution statements following the CReDiT taxonomy. The project, called Mutual Dependence and Levels of Uncertainty in Science Division Labour will be conducted by members of the COMPARE team plus research professor Gunnar Sivertsen, from NIFU, professor Lin Zhang, from Wuhan University and Yuxin Han, PhD candidate also a Wuhan University. This joint project will allow us to maximize our efforts on understanding how Both are experienced and top-level scientometricians who show overlapping interests with the COMPARE project and have: Understanding how teams in science operate and researchers self-organize and distribute tasks.
What is the ICSR Lab?

The ICSR Lab, this is an initiative of the International Center for the Study of Research, a research center owned by the publisher Elsevier. Among other activities, the ICSR Lab offers the opportunity to apply to access to data owned by any of Elsevier’s scientific platforms and products (e.g., Scopus, PlumX). They define it as a
cloud-based computational platform which enables you to analyze large structured datasets, including those that power Elsevier solutions such as Scopus and PlumX.
What is the CReDiT taxonomy?
CReDiT stands for Contributer Roles Taxonomy. It is a taxonomy developed as a NISO standard to allow scientific journals use a cross-disciplinary and global taxonomy which is common to all fields and journals. It includes 14 roles which aim at representing tasks typically played by co-authors in research papers. While contribution statements were first included in some major biomedical journals, the aim is to expand this to all journals of any field so that we can move from a reward system which credits authorship and author byline, to one which credits contributorship and diversity of profiles.
We are eager to start working on this project and show our findings as soon as possible. Keep an eye for updates!