On May 23 and 24, COMPARE members Wenceslao Arroyo-Machado, Daniel Torres-Salinas, Elvira González-Salmón and Nicolás Robinson-García presented their work «Unraveling the diversity of scholars in the Humanities: Profiling humanists based on their publication patterns» at Research Evaluation in Social Sciences and Humanities Conference (RESSH 2024). Despite not being able to attend in person, Wenceslao had a very warm welcome during the presentation as well as an interesting exchange with colleagues. Here is a glipmse of the submitted work:
The study «builds upon the understanding that scholars in the Humanities have a distinct publication behavior from the rest of fields which challenges the use of bibliometric methods to analyze their performance and dynamics. More specifically, we focus on the analysis of publication patterns in these fields. We aim to understand to what extent the longstanding assumption that humanists have a more diversified output in terms of publication types holds when considering authors’ complete publication record. Furthermore, we aim at looking into differences within Humanities fields. For this, we focus on a sample of over 50,000 scholars from Spanish-speaking countries within the 1950-2021 period. Our goal is twofold. First, we want to profile humanists by field and overall based on their publication patterns. Second, we aim at exploring potential characteristics related to these profiles. Mainly we will be looking into generational shifts and topic-related factors which may influence publication patterns». Read more about the analysis in RESSH 2024 Book of Abstracts.
I'd like to express my thanks to the #RESSH2024 team for the opportunity! ❤️ It was a pleasure to present "Unraveling the diversity of scholars in the Humanities: Profiling humanists based on their publication patterns" (w/ @torressalinas, @egonzalezsalmon, and @nrobinsongarcia) pic.twitter.com/cuAHzbH9Vl
— Wenceslao Arroyo Machado (@Wences91) May 23, 2024
In summary, the main conclusions reached by the team were:
1. There is an extent bibliodiversity in the Humanities associated to distinct research profiles and their unique characteristics,
2. Evolving scholarly practices are led by newer generations favouring diverse and mainstream formats over more traditional publication patterns,
3. Generational and thematic differences are evident, with significant changes in research agendas required to adopt new publication practices.
Get a closer look at the slides presented during Session 2 focused on «Reserarch on Research».