Last Monday, September 12th, we had the opportunity to meet at the Carmen de la Victoria for a full-day team meeting. As a sign of the times we live in, we had a hybrid format. Rodrigo Costas, Julia Melkers, Nicolas Robinson-Garcia, Elvira González-Salmón, Daniel Torres-Salinas, Wenceslao-Arroyo Machado, Manolo Escabias and François van Schalkwyk where able to meet in person, while Márcia Ferreira, Victoria di Césare and Tina Nane joined us online.

In the meeting an overview of the first year of the project was given, announcing two new novel members:
- Elvira González-Salmón, who joins the team as research assistant in September 15th. Elvira is especially interested on gender related inequalities in science and how the affect research agendas.
- Victoria di Césare, who will be starting her PhD in November the 1st. Victoria has a special interest on inequalities in science between the Global North and the Global South, and how they affect career prospects in academia.
Furthermore, we discussed how to move the project forward, proposing concrete actions points and distributing tasks between the team members. Although the project has already been running for a year, we felt like the best is still to come. So stay tuned!