From a Seminar in Bristol to the STI Conference in Berlin: Developing New Process Research Through a Writing Retreat

During a recent visit to Bristol to give a seminar, Nicolas took the opportunity to join a research writing retreat. This productive experience led to the development of a new process research topic, which will be presented at the 28th STI Conference in Berlin.

Last July, our colleague Nicolas Robinson-Garcia visited the Centre for Higher Education Transformations (CHET) at the University of Bristol, where he was recently appointed as a fellow. Hosted by Gemma Derrick, he had the opportunity to present the COMPARE project in a seminar called «Diversity and Recognition in Research Teams». He gave an overview of the main findings of the project, including a review of scientometric methods to study diversity within research teams and some preliminary findings on the insights contribution statements offer to better understand team dynamics in science. Feel free to browse the slides of his presentation:

The visit had more plans: a particular retreat.

During his two-weeks stay, Nicolas was also joined by COMPARE team member Julia Melkers, Professor at Arizona State University and scientific director of the Centre for Organization Research and Design (CORD). The three of them had the chance to discuss potential collaborations with regard to sustainability in scholarship, peer review and research assessment. These discussions took place during the wonderful research writing retreat Gemma organized which took them along with colleagues from CHET to a farm in the outskirts of Bristol.

Gemma Derrick’s post on Linkedin

Furthermore, they discussed and prepared the upcoming Special Session «A Call for Sustainable Scholarship: Leveraging Responsibility in Evaluation Culture in Times of Change and AI Expansion» which will take place on September 20th, in Berlin at the STI2024 Conference. Julia Melkers will join this session co-organized by Nicolas Robinson-Garcia, Tina Nane and Gemma Derrick. You can check the abstract on the main page of STI

The 28th edition of the STI Conference, which will take place in Berlin from September 18 to 20, will be a key gathering for social scientists to discuss indicators of science, technology, and innovation. In our particular case, our colleagues’s presentation is scheduled in the special event panel, where they will examine and project the future of research evaluation in relation to sustainability, technological integration, and societal impact. The goal is to open a multifaceted dialogue to generate ideas on advancing sustainable research. It will begin with two brief presentations highlighting key challenges and opportunities in sustainable scholarship, with a particular focus on the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and peer review systems.

Meeting of the 27th STI conference organized in Leinen

We will provide more information about this activity soon, but in the meantime, we recommend following the authors on their social media accounts (@nrobinsongarcia, @GemmaDerrick) as well as the main STI page (@STI2024Berlin) to stay updated on the development of this event!